About me

As a professional with a proven track record, strong analytical skills and exceptional attention to detail, I am dedicated to meeting deadlines and delivering top-notch results. I am a motivated self-starter with a team-oriented mindset who maintains high standards in all aspects of my work. I am passionate about continuous learning and development, and am always eager to expand my skill set in order to excel in my role.
  • Address
  • Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Phone
  • +359 888 199 889
  • E-mail
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Sass
  • React
  • NextJS
  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Accessibility
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • Mongo
  • Linux
  • Rest API
  • Scrum
  • Git
  • Jira
  • Tailwind
  • MUI
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • VueJS
  • English
  • Bulgarian
Work History
  • Lead Front End Developer - Enterprise scale
  • 2023 - Present Fabrico SaaS
  • Fabrico, an elite enterprise solution crafted by CHILDISH.AI, is specifically designed for factories aiming to elevate their operational standards. It's a cloud-based CMMS that oversees all maintenance processes in a production plant, integrating end-to-end maintenance strategies efficiently. Widely used by various manufacturing sectors, including giants like ABB, Fabrico offers tools for preventive and reactive maintenance, complemented by a proficient ticketing system. It aims to transition teams from paper to digital, boasting easy integration and a user-friendly interface. Serving industries from automotive to mining, this universal tool can be accessed globally through web and mobile platforms, ensuring secure, powerful, and intuitive operations for technical teams.
  • Writing code using specific programming languages and tools such as:
  • React | Next.js | React Native | Redux | TypeScript | JavaScript | CSS3 | Sass | Tailwind | MUI | Bootstrap | HTML5 | React Testing Library | Git | Scrum | Linux
  • Lead Front-End Developer - React (Next.js) | React Native (Expo) | TypeScript
  • 2022 - 2023 CHILDISH.AI
  • Designing and developing new features and functionality or improving old ones for existing systems.
  • Providing technical support for web applications, systems, and infrastructure as needed.
  • Collaborating with other members of the development team to ensure that all components of an application meet functional and design requirements.
  • Debugging code to find and fix errors in existing applications.
  • Testing new features to ensure that they function properly.
  • Creating prototypes of new applications or features to demonstrate potential functionality to stakeholders.
  • Communicating with clients or other team members to clarify details about project objectives and requirements.
  • Conducting code reviews to ensure that new code follows best practices.
  • Using various operating systems.
  • Writing code using specific programming languages and tools such as:
  • React | Next.js | React Native | Redux | TypeScript | JavaScript | CSS3 | Sass | Tailwind | MUI | Bootstrap | HTML5 | React Testing Library | Git | Scrum | Linux
  • Front-End Developer - React
  • 2021 - 2022 Atos Bulgaria
  • Develop the Front-end of software that automate and improve the business processes of large corporations such as Coca-Cola!
  • JavaScript/React-Redux | CSS3/Sass | HTML5
  • Responsive Design
  • Version Control Management with Git
  • Excellent communication with the PM & QA teams
  • Planning sprints using Scrum based methodology
  • Front-End Developer - Vue/jQuery
  • 2019 - 2021 NETERRA Ltd.
  • Develop the Front-end of Enterprise Resource Planning Software ERP
  • Develop Landing Pages for company events
  • JavaScript/Vue | CSS/Sass | HTML
  • Bootstrap | jQuery
  • Responsive Design
  • Strong Git management
  • Excellent communication with QA team
  • Planning sprints using Scrum based methodology
  • Project Manager | Team lead | Drafter
  • 2014 - 2019 WALLTOPIA AD
  • 1Y Project Manager
  • Complete organization of the project timeline from beginning to end
  • Keeping in touch with customers
  • Presence at management briefings with completed reports
  • Requesting and selecting transport for all materials
  • Providing tickets, lodgings and machines needed for technicians in different countries
  • Available for permanent contact with groups of technicians 24/7
  • Working in a dynamic and multicultural environment
  • 3Y Team lead
  • Drawing up work schedules and task assignments for department employees
  • Weekly presence at management briefings with completed work reports
  • Preparation of complete technical documentation - production and installation drawings accompanied by detailed specifications for production, loading and assembly
  • Quality control of the entire production of the department
  • Process Management - analyzing, automating and improving workflows to: increase productivity and reduce the possibility of errors
  • Research and development (R & D) - creating new products and details. Implementing new technologies and refining existing ones. Testing and communicating with international laboratories to certify new products
  • Daily consultations with employees in the department of urgent cases in their work
  • In constant contact with the following departments: Engineering, Design, Project Management, Logistics and Walltopia Plants, on issues related to current and future objects
  • Permanent work with design, architecture, engineering, administration software - such as AutoCAD, AdvanceSteel, SketchUp, Excel, SAP and others
  • 1Y Drafter
  • Preparation of complete technical documentation
  • R & D - creating new products and details
  • Project communication with foreign clients
  • Permanent work with design, architecture, engineering, administration software - such as AutoCAD, AdvanceSteel, SketchUp, Excel, SAP and more
  • JavaScript Web Developer
  • 2018 - 2020 SoftUni

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